Level Up Database Development with the Newly Enhanced dbForge Tools for MySQL v10.0

Jordan Sanders
3 min readNov 9, 2023


dbForge tools for MySQL have just received an extensive update, which includes a number of extremely practical features, designed to make the most of MySQL and MariaDB database management

Devart, one of the leading developers of database management software, ALM solutions, and data providers for the most popular database servers, has significantly updated dbForge tools for MySQL (version 10.0). These major enhancements allow software and database developers to bring their daily performance to the new heights of efficiency.

Let’s take a look at how the functionality of dbForge tools for MySQL has been enhanced product by product.

Schema Compare for MySQL is an extraordinarily helpful assistant for spotting differences between MySQL/MariaDB database schemas and scripts folders. It has received the following enhancements:

  • Support for temporal tables in MariaDB, which allow maintaining historical versions of data and tracking changes in data over time
  • Support for Spatial reference identifiers (SRID)
  • Support for Transport Layer Security 1.3
  • Introduction of Sequences, a new group of comparison options that includes Ignore CACHE, Ignore CYCLE, Ignore INCREMENT BY, Ignore MAXVALUE, Ignore MINVALUE, and Ignore START
  • Faster object description process
  • ASC | DESC is now available for indexes with functional key parts
  • The INVISIBLE attribute can now be assigned to columns in CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE statements
  • A new option that enables and disables the display of DDL differences for pairs of compared objects with the Equal status

Data Compare for MySQL, an application that delivers the most convenient way of spotting, inspecting, and synchronizing differences in MySQL table data, has received the following updates:

  • Support for temporal tables in MariaDB
  • Extended support for the INET6 data type, intended for the storage of IPv6 addresses
  • Support for Transport Layer Security 1.3
  • A new option to hide empty columns from the grid that displays data differences
  • A new synchronization wizard page called Issues where users can specify the conflict resolution behavior for potential sync issues

Query Builder for MySQL, a tool that helps create MySQL queries on visual diagrams, has the following enhancements:

  • Support for Transport Layer Security 1.3
  • Support for the JSON_TABLE() table function in MariaDB
  • Ability to comment out selections inside a line of code
  • Full support for complex VALUE statements
  • Newly added support for the AT TIME ZONE operator within the CAST() function
  • Suggestions of non-aggregated columns for GROUP BY statements

Data Generator for MySQL, a tool that can generate any volume of compliant, column-intelligent, and realistic dummy data for testing purposes, has also received a few enhancements:

  • Support for temporal tables in MariaDB
  • Extended support for the INET6 data type, intended for the storage of IPv6 addresses
  • Support for Transport Layer Security 1.3

Documenter for MySQL, an application that proficiently supplies users with extensive database documentation, has the same additions as those found in Data Generator, plus the following extra features:

  • ASC | DESC is now available for indexes with functional key parts
  • The INVISIBLE attribute can now be assigned to columns in CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE statements

The latest versions of all these tools are available for a free 30-day trial. Schema and Data Compare are can be purchased in a single Compare Bundle, which allows saving up to 40%.

You can find the full list of new features and enhancements here: https://blog.devart.com/make-sure-you-dont-miss-the-latest-update-of-dbforge-tools-for-mysql.html



Jordan Sanders

PR Manager at Devart since 2010 | Obsessed with the promotion of database development optimization